cooking mama

11 April 2009 7:58 PM Posted by o|i_oLi 0 comments
'abc soup'!!!
first time heard this name...because all i know tat abc is our miri's chendol right??
so here, always hear ppl say cook abc curious and tried my friend's cooking...loving it
i tried to cook it myself.....hehe
and it come out nice nice nice!!!!!!!^^
healthy and delicious......^^
tomato, carrot, potato, jing zheng gu, fish!!!!!
pepper & salt for seasoning
wanna try some???!! haha

random post

09 April 2009 8:20 PM Posted by o|i_oLi 3 comments

Life is short

Break the rules

forgive quickly

kiss passionately,

love truly

laugh constantly

And never stop smiling no matter how strange life is

Life is not always the party we expected to be

but as long as we are here,

we should smile and be grateful.