aM TrYinG =)

26 September 2007 3:59 PM Posted by o|i_oLi
Thanks everyone =)

I need some time for myself. Sorry. I know this few days I have been behaving very weirdly. Especially to some of you. Sorry.

I am trying very hard to get over this matter. But~~ its hard. Maybe I am weak in this kind of matter. I am trying to be strong and back to the normal me. I am tired of it already. I just can't accept that all these is happening or should i say 'happened'? Too sudden already. There is sadness and anger in me. And sometime, revenge is in my mind. The devil is haunting my mind. But i know how to handle it.

Someday, I will get over this.

Sorry making you guys worried. =)

5 Response to "aM TrYinG =)"

  1. chuNchuN, Bcshuang, KuangYang, ZiaFang, Joyceanne Says:

    Good that you know...
    We cared of you not because we feel pity for you, but because We are your friend.
    Take Care...


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Dont force yourself or think too much. Do hang out with friends during weekend and try not to stay alone . I am sure your friends will be there for you. Trust me time will heal... Take your time out and try to let things cool down and let go of the feeling. You can decide for yourself whats best for urself ok. A good friend is someone which we can trust and rely on. Dont force yourself.. Time will heal... everyone been thru loneliness before.. nobody could run from that.

    Hope u can be ok soon..

  3. Bolaking Says:

    Good too see you're trying to let go. Maybe some other day u look will think it's nothing actually =)You will thanks to everyone who makes u become more mature and remember that... No Pain No Gain. Just need some time. hehehe...

  4. Mz-Chen Says:

    I know you'll be alright. I got faith in you dear.


  5. Unknown Says:

    oh my gawd...i feel so great to see this positive post..=) you will be ok, dun worry...and by the time u see me in november, i know, im sure, you will be back to normal, or even better den normal, u knw why? cuz u will be seeing me...=P hehehe..i promise i'll bring surprise...=) hehe..